i was born in a tiny ocean side town in mid november. shortly thereafter i moved to redding california, im lilo btw.

my life can be defined with one word “noise” i’m from a family of eight so i’ve always been surrounded by it. i’ve been fortunate enough to be gifted with the ability to breathe music, i really don’t know a time in life where i wasn’t surrounded by it, i started with drums when i was 5 but since then i’ve learned to play really everything. i always found a peace when making music, for me music is a space outside of the world around me, a way to connect with my feelings and work through them. i could list musical influences for you but i won’t, i just like music that impacts me.

my goals for the future are really just to learn and grow both as an artist and as a person. i have a few projects coming out shortly they’re really extensions of me. idk anyways. i’m lilo

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